
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hetalia: Holland! (and about trolling)

Showing off my national pride.

[MUN] I am not the most famous Hetalia cosplayer as I am well aware of (11 followers, but I love them all), but apparently I already am getting trolls. I was quite surprised to be honest.

I really wondered why this anonymous person (who is a childish cowards in my opinion) called me a weeaboo. I don't use Japanese words, I don't prefer Japanese culture above others. In fact, I show off my own culture, cosplaying as the Netherlands. Hence I don't really get the message.

But trolling is something I will probably get more and more and I decided to ignore and delete all messages that, to me, are troll messages.

Oh and one more thing for the one sending the message: 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Hetalia: Birthday of the Netherlands

The real birthday is forgotten by most Dutch people. We all rather celebrate Kingsday, the former Queensday. It is on April 27th and we will go insane. We dress up in orange or red, white and blue and celebrate from the night before Kingsday (Kings night) to the following night.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hetalia: new tumblr icon

For the everyone who did not know it, I have an ask tumblr for my version of Hetalia Netherlands.
The ask box right now is wide open and I would like it if you have a question for me.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Hetalia: drawing again

I redid a drawing last week, when I had more time on my hands.
If the old one is somewhere here, you can see the difference. This one is a bit more manlier and better proportioned.