
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hetalia: Holland! (and about trolling)

Showing off my national pride.

[MUN] I am not the most famous Hetalia cosplayer as I am well aware of (11 followers, but I love them all), but apparently I already am getting trolls. I was quite surprised to be honest.

I really wondered why this anonymous person (who is a childish cowards in my opinion) called me a weeaboo. I don't use Japanese words, I don't prefer Japanese culture above others. In fact, I show off my own culture, cosplaying as the Netherlands. Hence I don't really get the message.

But trolling is something I will probably get more and more and I decided to ignore and delete all messages that, to me, are troll messages.

Oh and one more thing for the one sending the message: 

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