
Monday, October 26, 2015

Hetalia: Be prepared cover script, with Germany and Prussia

"Be prepared"

Screenplay by

Barbara de Visser

Be prepared
© 2014 Barbara de Visser

"Be prepared"

Prussia and (kid)Germany are eating dinner. Germany is slowly chewing. Prussia is looking bored around him and plays with his food. Prussia lays down his knife and fork.

(smiles)You know, bruder, you might not know it yet, but I can see a glimmer of potential in you. (Germany looks at Prussia, but keeps eating)
Ofcourse, if you are guided by my awesome vision and brain. (Prussia pushes back his chair and stands up) 
Okay, so pay attention to me!(Prussia puts his foot on the chair. He points at Germany) My words are most important. (Germany glares at Prussia, while eating on)(Prussia laughs) 
It is clear from your expression, you do not understand what I am talking about. But even you (points again at Germany) has to be prepared for the future. 
The future of the awesome me! (Prussia puts his foot away and swaggers around the table. He rhythmically slaps his fist in his open hand) 
It will be so cool!. (When he reaches Germany, he puts a hand around Germany’s shoulder) A shining new era, coming our way.

(shakes off Prussia’s hand)Und what has it to do with me, bruder?
(Shakes his head and smiles)Just listen to me! If you follow me, you will be rewarded, with anything you want. Because I am awesome. (Punches the air) And I will let everyone know that! (Turns back to Germany) So you have to be prepared.

(Puts another potato on his fork) Prepared for what?

(Excited)We have to beat up everyone, who does not think, that I am awesome. We will show them! I am the best!(Calmed down. Walks around the table again) Just stick with me, Germany, und you will never be afraid again.

(Glares at Prussia) I am not afraid.

(Not listening) Ofcourse, I expect that you will do some things in return, ja? (Looks at his nails in a nonchalant way) You will have to take certain duties on board.

(Looks behind Prussia)I do not think vati likes your idea, Prussia.

(Walks towards Germany again) Can you see? The future is littered with prices! Right now, you are not worth much, but we can prepare already, ja?

(still looking behind Prussia. Points at the door there) Prussia, I really think…

(Laughs loud) Ja, we prepare, und then they will all see, that… I…am…the most…awesome (suddenly realizes that Germany is pointing behind him. Turns around)
Germania is standing in the doorway. He looks angry.
(gulps) Vati?


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