
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I've had my last presentation. I had to present my findings of my thesis project. The research about how European particulate matter policies influence municipalities in their particulate matter policies and spatial planning policies. It was fun. I can present. Even my parents could understand it, even though it was in English. So I got a 7 of this. And my internship developed into a 7.5. So overall, I'm done with school, university... everything, I suppose.

I'm sort of... free. Nothing to do, but to find a job and start my life. Even now, it gives me the chills. I started diving into Doctor Who. Within a week, I saw the first 4 series of the new Doctor Who. I really like David Tennant now. I haven't seen Matt Smith as the Doctor, so I can't tell whether I like him. Sherlock is also in my mind, as well as Cabin Pressure. So I got completely isolated by my own thoughts. These chills, that run through me, everytime I think about going outside, or to find a job. It is kind of mortifying to think about me and the rest of my life. I try, but at the same time I drown myself in fantasies of time/space travelling, being around smart people and just... not being me.

So at first I thought nothing had changed. Now I think, everything has changed. I need to adapt. Whether I like it or not.

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