
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

30 day challenge, day 11: another picture of me and my friends

Some pictures

In Wageninen for a graduation party

Celebrating life!

One of our trips
I just took a couple of pictures, just to be sure. My best friends I met at university. I love them very much and cannot imagine my life without them.

Thank you Marina, Nico, Sander, Tanya, Anouk, Marlies, Ralph, Joep, Henri and many many more. Thank you for being my friend and accepting me.

Cosplay friends

When I started with cosplay, I made a lot of cosplay friends as well. My best, lovely friend and girlfriend I met with cosplay. Thank you Corianne, Leonie, Mathilde, Nicky and everyone for letting me feel part of a group (in case you are wondering. I am the blond dude on the left, holding the flag).

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