
Thursday, July 28, 2016

30 day challenge, day 12: how I found out about Blogger and why I made one

Cloud, Blog, Tweet, Like, Share, Parts, Twitter, News 


Google would not be google without advertising its own stuff. I saw an internal advertisement on gmail. You could post your own blogs now via the google apps.
It was about the time I needed to get things off my chest without directing to someone specifically. 

With already a gmail account it was easy to set this one up and start. It was not easy to a first blog out though. I still struggle with 'what to write'. 
The thought: "Why would people read this?" is always in my mind. Often I leave things out, because I think it is not interesting. Maybe people would like it, but I do not take the chance. 

While I am at day 12 of the 30 day challenge, I find it easy to write about every day life and what happened to me. The questions give me an idea what to write about and how to start.

I recommend everyone who is stuck or who wants to start to get a nice list of questions from the internet and try to answer it in a way you find entertaining and comfertable.

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