
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

30 day challenge, day 2: Anyway...(why my blog is called Anyway...)

There is a reason I name my blog Anyway...

I have thought a long time about my blogger name. Does it have to be about drawing (because I was drawing a lot in the beginning)? Or should I do something with writing? What about my other hobbies and passions? I have made jewelry from clay for months. Not only that, I have these phases.


Every now and then I grow into a new phase. I am fan of a certain series and I want to draw every day. A couple of months later, it has worn off and I want to write a story. Then I want to sew an amazing costume or dress. Then I want to sculpt, write poetry or work in the garden. Except for drawing and writing, I cannot seem to find a steady hobby routine. It also depends on the project. If a project is a one day job, it will be more satisfying. Until the idea grows old and I do not see any improvement in my skill. Longer projects are the most difficult, because sometimes I will get bored with it without finishing. The other side of this is I am always enjoying a found old project I can work on with improved skills.

Now I am 28 years old, I consider writing and drawing to be my main hobbies, with other hobbies bubbling on the back ground. But with all those hobbies and passions it is difficult to find a name for the blog.

Talking and talking

By the time I started this blog I also started to talk more. When I was little, I was very shy and I could not really express myself in Dutch. But talking in another language than my native language made me more talkative. At the university of Wageningen I actually bloomed, because I had to talk English for four out of my five years there. I had to talk, read, learn and think in English. This turned my life around. I also said anyway a lot. Talking in a different language then your own does present problems like: not knowing the right word and not knowing as many words as a native English speaker. Anyway was a way to start a conversation. When I became aware, I decided to call this blog Anyway...

The dots are more the conversation starter than anything else... and I like way it looks.

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