
Sunday, August 14, 2016

30 day blog challeng, day 29: What I have learned in the past month

Learning is a process

And you can never stop learning, even though others say so. Every day a new piece of information is added to all the information you already have and it increases your understanding of the subject. Whether that subject is a specific thing, the world or even yourself, it does not matter.

I have learned that as long as I schedule ahead (ahem, my apologies for the late blog today by the way) I am able to make a nice blog every day. First it did not seem possible for me, because I sometimes don't have any time or cannot think of a subject to write about. 
I also learned that my life is actually quite entertaining, even though I usually think it is not. Usually it is the reason why I cannot think of a subject to write about. You see all those people with their interesting lives and think "My life is boring. Nothing is happening. Nothing worth mentioning." But when you think about it properly, all the things you tell your family and friends usually are worth some mentioning. I do not say you can say everything here, because you need to stay proper towards others and be cautious about certain subjects. But most everyday items are great subjects to write about.
Another thing I have learned: even though not much people look at your blog, there are still some persons who enjoy it. And they are worth doing these blogs for. I mean it. Thank you all who keep reading this and like it. I sometimes hear friends and get reactions on other media and I would love to have your input in any way. 

Next month I probably learned a lot of other things. These were the main ones of this month. Tomorrow the last one of the 30 day blog challenge. 
What do you think of this challenge? Do you want to do this challenge yourself? 
You can always react in the comments below.  

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