
Thursday, August 11, 2016

30 day blog challenge, day 26: what I think about my friends

My friends are... awesome!

They help me when I need it. They remember me and help me remember what is important in life.

My best friend is Marina, who I am friends with since university. She helped me feel at home away from home and always supported me. That saying, she is also my logical voice when I have some wild idea or concept in mind and together we keep each other grounded. Her husband Tim is nice and I hope they live a long and happy life together.
We do not meet each other much, because we are very busy persons. However, when we visit it is always comfertable and I can tell her everything. I hope she feels the same way. :)

Another good friend who has a special place in my heart is Sander. Long story short (and not too much detail) he is my ex-boyfriend and after the break up we started to become friends again. It took some time and encouragement of our other friends, but now I feel at ease and I am very happy he found Deborah. She is really sweet. You go guys!

Nico is the friend I always looked up to. In terms of intelligence, because I am taller in real life. I like how he thinks and next to Marina he helps me to keep things logical. He also is a real talkative person, which I love about him. Almost everything he says makes sense and I learn a lot from him. Not only in the field of our studies, but also outside those fields. Almost finishing his PhD, I am sure he can overcome everything.

Anouk is one of those friends who always cheers me up. She has a strong mind and looks at the world in a most positive way. Due to fibromyalgie she is tired quickly, but she is always trying to push herself to a next level. You go Anouk! I know you can do it!

Tanya is someone I look up to as well. She has traveled and worked at places I would not even dream to do. She can make me laugh and looks at the world through pink glasses, without losing reality.

Joep is the political leader of the group. Next to Nico, he is the most talkative. I see a great political future for him. Better watch out for him in the news.

Marlies is a friend who I cannot always understand. Maybe it is because I am not religious at all. I try to understand religion and why people belief, even though I do not belief myself. Hopefully I show this a bit and do not offend people with my lack of knowledge.


There are a lot of friends I can not describe. We are friends and I like them a lot. However, I cannot think of more than one line for them. I don't know why. Leonie, Corianne, Gina, Sarah, Mathilde, Nienke, Emelie, Bannie, Sharon, Zainab, Floor, Veerle, Kim, Iris, Nicky, Alex, Anne Marie, Eva, Vera, Kirsten, Ralph, Tessa, Imke, Jouke, Maarten and many more.

Further thoughts

My thoughts about my friends are all positive. I do not understand why a person should be friends with someone they do not like, or have negative thoughts about them. I do not mean a critical note. You can always be critical with your friends and talk to them about what happens or what they do. That is why they are friends. But don't be afraid of your own friends.
Be happy with the ones who give you happiness. And share your sorrow with the ones who can carry you.

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