
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I present...

The internship is almost finished. This meant I had to present my results to some important people from the municipality. It took me 3 days to get the PowerPoint to my satisfaction (almost completely made up out of pictures) and 1 full day to get ready to present it.
The results were all mine and new, so I just had to get the right line with the right picture. At least, that is the scenario most people have. The thing is, I had so much information, that my internship supervisor got overwhelmed. The report was more than 100 pages long and had barely any pictures or tables in it. Finally, after weeks I brought it down to 83 pages. If I do not count the annexes, the amount of pages decreases to 30. And from those 30 pages, I had to conduct a presentation of half an hour.

It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. They almost applauded for me, although I would think that would be overly weird. They really appreciate the work I did and, to be honest, I really liked that. How much fun it is, to present something new and useful to people. When I was finished I had to answer all kinds of questions, to go deeper into the subject. How much fun it is, when you know something others do not. In those cases, I am really proud of myself. The half hour before I want to die, but when I'm presenting...I'll get aglow.

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