
Monday, July 30, 2012

I was invited

My good friend Marina has invited me at least 100 times to spend the weekend or a day at her hometown. She is my best friend, but I am not someone who easily accepts these invitations.
"I am very busy...I have to work in the weekends...I don't know, my parents are expecting me to..." and so on and so fort. It is not that I do not want to go there, but I am shy. Too worried that I would intrude someones' private space and use their time, while they want to do something else completely.
But finally, after being friends for about 5 years, last week I agreed to come to her mothers' house and stay there for the weekend. Big surprise when I got a call from Marina.
"I had forgotten that we should go to the Floriade (Marina and her mother)," she said. I immediately had some lines ready to say it was not a problem and that we could do it another time.
"Would you like to come with us?" was the actual question she asked. I had to think about it for a little while, but finally I said yes.

And it was a lovely weekend I have to say. Marina is born and raised in Beegden, Limburg. It is a small place, with some nice nature areas nearby. And it is quiet. Really quiet. It takes about 3 hours to travel from Wageningen to Beegden with public transport, but it is worth it. I felt almost immediately at home there. I really like her mother. She is very sweet. The first night was really television sitting, because the opening of the Olympic games was awesome.
Saturday we spend the whole day at the Floriade. The Floriade is an event about flowers and being outside and the environment. It was nice (we spend about 7 hours there, walking), but a bit over-commercialised. Sometimes I wondered where the price-tags were placed. But it is really a lovely event. In the evening I met one of her brothers. We had a barbeque with some of his friends.  Sunday was lazy and creative. A lot of sewing and drawing things and just relaxed. In the evening we travelled back to Wageningen.
Probably I will put some of the pictures here. Do not have them here at the moment and I need to sort them out. But I would gladly be invited over there again.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The bus

I do not have a car, so I travel by bus a lot. For my internship I have to travel from Wageningen to Driebergen. That means 1 hour and some minutes travelling. I have to get up early, but I can dream a bit more in the bus, so I like it. The thing is: it is public transport. You get all kinds of people in the bus. Loud and cheery types, silent wooden types, people who you think are not all there. It creates a lot of inspiration, if you need it.
There was an old couple on the bus today. the woman got in first, followed by her husband. The man waited patiently for the woman to sit down. The woman sat at the ail and left the man with no seat. He had to find another seat some-place else in the bus. I could only smile.

I cannot read or do anything in the bus, because I get carsick very easily, so I look out of the window a lot. The bus I take, rides through a beautiful landscape. Little villages in a green landscape. Especially when it's sunny, you get the feeling that the world just could not get better.

The only thing I dislike, is the price of the bus. I have to pay 6 euro to go to work and back. And that is with discount, because I'm a student. I don't know what it costs to own a car, but to spend at least 6 euros a day for travelling just creates a decline on my bank account. And then there are voices at Parliament to get rid of the free/discount public transport for students. I don't know how students can get the money if they for example need all their time to study. Luckily I get along well enough to have a job on the side and now with my internship I earn money as well, so I can do this. However, I have some fellow students, who are not able to do this. They have to rely on their parents, or lend money. These people will start their career with a huge debt already. Hence, I am pro free/discount public transport for students.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Winnie the Pooh mug

I once bought a mug at Disneyland (Paris). It is quite a big mug, to say. It can contain about 500 ml of fluid in there, easily. In the Netherlands it is not really common to walk around with that kind of size mugs. But since I need to drink a lot and it is easier to get it in big mugs at once, I brought the mug to my work (not really work. It is an internship. Well. It is work, but you know... Not that I can rely on real work for a longer time period). I usually fill it with tea or water and often I do not realize the absurdity of this big mug full of drinks. Most colleagues walk by with those tiny cups they provide by the work itself. My mug can contain 3 1/2 of those with ease, so they always comment on it.
I consider it a fact that when I leave, they will only remind me by the big mug I had at work. It is quite a silly one as well. With a big Winnie the Pooh in hug-mode and a warning sign that his friendliness can be infectious, is contagiously kind and can induce a good mood (warning: failure to comply with these instructions may cause facial cramping, stomach pain, body convulsions, watery eyes and crows feet).
But even then... it really cheers me up.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Intoxicated: reviewing my own story

Not really mý story in the sense of that it happened to me. I do not drink a lot of alcohol (that's what they all say). At least not enough to become drunk or whatever. But the story itself is my work and maybe I can clarify things by reviewing on it.

First of all: It is a Cabin Pressure fan fiction story, with a lot of references to the episodes that are aired from this moment. That means they contain a lot of references from the first, second and third series of Cabin Pressure and I tried to refer to at every episode at least one time. That was a lot of fun, but had its downsides as well.
Because I used jokes that were used before, or referred to good lines in the Cabin Pressure episodes, I was able to be a least a bit funny, without making huge weird mistakes. Also I had a framework to work on, so the story could go rather smoothly from event to event.
The downside is that everyone that does not know Cabin Pressure, is doomed to be confused or at least does not get the jokes. I realized this, when I tried the first chapters with a friend of mine. He did not get any jokes referring to the show. Hence, he thought it was not bad, but it was confusing. So that is the downside.

Second of all: I tried to make the story as original as possible. That sounds a bit paradoxical with the former point, but I tried to make it as original as possible, within the fan fiction frame. I used the characters and tried to keep their characters intact. I added 2 more characters to create a new situation. I tried to stay away from pairings that does not exist in the series. I have to admit, Carolyn and Hercules are not really together together in the series, but I allowed that liberty for the story.

Third of all: It is not a slash fiction story. I really tried my best not to do this. Even though Martin gets chatted up by a man, I did not mean to get weird pairings in there. It is really easy to slip into the nice fan fiction stories that are a little... naughty. I do like slash stories and fan art, but only when it is well written/ made. I do not see a reason to discard a story or piece of art, because it is slash. What I don't like, is just pairing up characters (and I use pairing up really loosely) just to make weird art. If there is no story, or the piece of art is just a way to portray cheap porn, I will not like it one bit. No sir/madame.

Finally: I like the chapters I made and the story got quite a nice ending. However, I just have the feeling I am missing some points, or I made a slight mistake. There is always room for improvement of ones' art. The first chapter and the chapter where Martin gets chatted up by doctor Blessed were my favourite. The entire sheep story was nice too. Especially the second part of what happened in the Hose and Hydrant and maybe the chapter where Martin gets lost in the mortuary section of the hospital were most difficult to write. And I think the last chapter needs something... more. I just do not know what it misses.

I am quite happy with my story. It is a tribute to John Finnemores' work and I hope that, if he ever wants to read fan fiction, he would like this one. However, I ask you very nicely and kindly to please please please check the story for any mistakes, both in spelling and contents, as in context. If you spot some real stupid things, or you want to give your opinion, give a comment I will be very happy with all the effort you put into reading my story.

For all of you who did not read it: here is the link to the whole story in 1 document. In my other blog (called stories) you can find the separate chapters.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Zoo

Because everyone was up quite early, my mother gets this weird tick of "We need to do something!"
This time we 'really had to go to the zoo'. Why? Because it is so much fun! The sun is shining and you can look at the animals and... you can buy ice creams at ridiculous prices and be deafened not only by the animals, but by the many many many children that run around you, get scared by an animal, or fall flat on their face, or...
"No, it is really fun!"
So we went to the zoo. It is a nice zoo. The animals live in relative comfort and space and they have more than enough nice enclosures to experience the wild up close. The children... were flooding the streets though. A couple of times I got felt up by a kid, who was not aware I was standing there (...right), but the zoo was nice. I got some great pictures of the animals and it was a nice day out with the family.
So.... my mother was right after all.

Friday, July 20, 2012

As time is passing by

I was bored... But not anymore.
In about 2 minutes I now have more to do, than I can handle (probably).
My internship supervisor from work is pregnant, leaving me not only with a very nice and happy person, but also with a supervisor, who is very tired. My supervisor from the University is almost retired and has a few dates left to have the final talk to grade my internship. I have my holidays somewhere in between the leave of my University internship supervisor and the leave of my work internship supervisor, so getting a date set for the talk is a bit difficult.
Then I have to do a presentation for the workstaff, about my results. I took the job to do everything myself, like inviting them, setting a date and getting a room etc.
Then I have to finish my thesis. The colloquim is at August 30th (the final day of giving the grades to graduate this year is August 31th).
Then I have to finish my internship report. Two different versions. One for the work, with information regarded too sensitive to go public, and one for the university.

So from today till August 30th I am very busy and need to do alot of things at the same time. So boredom is quite dead now.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The birthday of Ben

To all Sherlockians, Cumberbitches and just fans of Benedict Cumberbatch.... Happy birthday to Ben! Why I'm saying this to you? Because Benedict probably drowns in all the congratulations and marriages proposals, even without this blog.
The internet is exploding with fanart of the amazing actor ( for example) and if there were people, who did not know who he was, they certainly do now.
I myself am a fan of him. Not the biggest fan (nor in size nor crazyness), but definitely a fan. I've seen a lot of shows, he played in (I really recommend Stephen Hawking and Sherlock) and ofcourse Cabin Pressure, the brilliant radio show, is one of my daily listening things. I have not seen everything and some stuff is not my taste, so I just don't watch that. Other things I really regret, I cannot see. Like the theater production: Frankenstein. I am a big fantasy lover, and Frankenstein really is something I wanted to watch.

But enough about me... Everyone, a happy birthday for Benedict Cumberbatch and use this day to celebrate this marvellous actor.

Cabin Pressure rhyme

A poem

I do adore
John Finnemore
and Cabin Pressure
As his greatest treasure

With the lemon in play
The yellow car is here to stay
Drowning in syrupy voices
Leaving me with 7 (right 8) choices

Keep the cat out of the hold
Because he surely feel the cold
Or get rid of the fire threat
Even it means you lose the bet
Take advantage to play among the stars
Even though some can better stay on Mars
Not to worry about a thing
While mister Burling constantly calls 'ding'

Drink wodka like water,
Trying not to totter
Smell a freeby
But end up in Helsinki
Think you will be murdered by peanuts
But use the oxygen generator for 12 minutes
Dropping sweets like a sugar brick
Getting sardined till I get sick

Still, it's a long way to Limerick
Even when you travel by pogo stick
Enough time to paint my nails
Or review my cv on details

While I dream my ottery dreams
Nothing is what it seems
As long as we won't hit a goose
 I'm sure everything will come loose

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Internship account.... noooo!

This morning I got to work and tried to log in on my work account. You know, the account where you store all your work and reports about what you have done all these months and you soon have to deliver to the University and to work, so they can use it and grade it and... You know what I mean. So I tried to log in... I tried. The only thing that popped up was..."Your account has been expired"!

So there I was, just awake, not able to log in, because my account was expired. I am too young to get a heart attack that easily, but it sure scared me. More than 150 pages of work was on there, plus my e-mails which contain certain information, plus all the tables and figures I made, and the telephone numbers of all my contacts. It was not really nice.

Luckily we have a real nice ICT at work. They immediately found the problem: They thought my internship ended last week. So to create more space on the big mainframe, they put my account down. But they could put it up in no time, and now I have everything back. So I am quite happy right now. Boredome is completely gone now. I never been this active in creating back-ups and putting everything save.

Hence, the moral of this story is: Always use back-ups people. You never know when you need it.

Friday, July 13, 2012

I do apologise

Mostly I apologise for the little stuff, like stepping on ones toes or bumping into someone. The big stuff, that actually need apologies, I usually 'forget' to do. The reason why my father and I are always discussing about who is right or wrong, is because I never apologise to him. My mother always goes nuts about this, but it has become quite natural to the rest of the familiy. The fact that I live in a student flat and only see my father in the weekends, did not help to reduce the discussions. I rather think we have even more discussions, since my father likes to 'know' things, now he's  retired. And because of this, he thinks he 'knows' things. The trouble with this, is the fact that his children (my younger brother and me) are now at University and therefore are a bit 'critical' about what he tells us.

My brother being a student philosophy, is creating even more depth to the discussion. I once made the mistake to say: That dog looks happy. After 3 hours, I interrupted his arguments why that dog could not be happy. And with the critical look at the world, a father cannot just say anything he likes anymore. Sometimes I regret the discussion, or I finally realize he is the one being right. It is really difficult for me to say sorry to my poor father, who is actually really patient with children like my brother and I.

My mother never has this problem. She is not the person to argue with. Or you will regret it one day. (dum dum dummm...)