
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cabin Pressure rhyme

A poem

I do adore
John Finnemore
and Cabin Pressure
As his greatest treasure

With the lemon in play
The yellow car is here to stay
Drowning in syrupy voices
Leaving me with 7 (right 8) choices

Keep the cat out of the hold
Because he surely feel the cold
Or get rid of the fire threat
Even it means you lose the bet
Take advantage to play among the stars
Even though some can better stay on Mars
Not to worry about a thing
While mister Burling constantly calls 'ding'

Drink wodka like water,
Trying not to totter
Smell a freeby
But end up in Helsinki
Think you will be murdered by peanuts
But use the oxygen generator for 12 minutes
Dropping sweets like a sugar brick
Getting sardined till I get sick

Still, it's a long way to Limerick
Even when you travel by pogo stick
Enough time to paint my nails
Or review my cv on details

While I dream my ottery dreams
Nothing is what it seems
As long as we won't hit a goose
 I'm sure everything will come loose

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