
Thursday, July 26, 2012

The bus

I do not have a car, so I travel by bus a lot. For my internship I have to travel from Wageningen to Driebergen. That means 1 hour and some minutes travelling. I have to get up early, but I can dream a bit more in the bus, so I like it. The thing is: it is public transport. You get all kinds of people in the bus. Loud and cheery types, silent wooden types, people who you think are not all there. It creates a lot of inspiration, if you need it.
There was an old couple on the bus today. the woman got in first, followed by her husband. The man waited patiently for the woman to sit down. The woman sat at the ail and left the man with no seat. He had to find another seat some-place else in the bus. I could only smile.

I cannot read or do anything in the bus, because I get carsick very easily, so I look out of the window a lot. The bus I take, rides through a beautiful landscape. Little villages in a green landscape. Especially when it's sunny, you get the feeling that the world just could not get better.

The only thing I dislike, is the price of the bus. I have to pay 6 euro to go to work and back. And that is with discount, because I'm a student. I don't know what it costs to own a car, but to spend at least 6 euros a day for travelling just creates a decline on my bank account. And then there are voices at Parliament to get rid of the free/discount public transport for students. I don't know how students can get the money if they for example need all their time to study. Luckily I get along well enough to have a job on the side and now with my internship I earn money as well, so I can do this. However, I have some fellow students, who are not able to do this. They have to rely on their parents, or lend money. These people will start their career with a huge debt already. Hence, I am pro free/discount public transport for students.

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