
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Internship account.... noooo!

This morning I got to work and tried to log in on my work account. You know, the account where you store all your work and reports about what you have done all these months and you soon have to deliver to the University and to work, so they can use it and grade it and... You know what I mean. So I tried to log in... I tried. The only thing that popped up was..."Your account has been expired"!

So there I was, just awake, not able to log in, because my account was expired. I am too young to get a heart attack that easily, but it sure scared me. More than 150 pages of work was on there, plus my e-mails which contain certain information, plus all the tables and figures I made, and the telephone numbers of all my contacts. It was not really nice.

Luckily we have a real nice ICT at work. They immediately found the problem: They thought my internship ended last week. So to create more space on the big mainframe, they put my account down. But they could put it up in no time, and now I have everything back. So I am quite happy right now. Boredome is completely gone now. I never been this active in creating back-ups and putting everything save.

Hence, the moral of this story is: Always use back-ups people. You never know when you need it.

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