
Monday, July 30, 2012

I was invited

My good friend Marina has invited me at least 100 times to spend the weekend or a day at her hometown. She is my best friend, but I am not someone who easily accepts these invitations.
"I am very busy...I have to work in the weekends...I don't know, my parents are expecting me to..." and so on and so fort. It is not that I do not want to go there, but I am shy. Too worried that I would intrude someones' private space and use their time, while they want to do something else completely.
But finally, after being friends for about 5 years, last week I agreed to come to her mothers' house and stay there for the weekend. Big surprise when I got a call from Marina.
"I had forgotten that we should go to the Floriade (Marina and her mother)," she said. I immediately had some lines ready to say it was not a problem and that we could do it another time.
"Would you like to come with us?" was the actual question she asked. I had to think about it for a little while, but finally I said yes.

And it was a lovely weekend I have to say. Marina is born and raised in Beegden, Limburg. It is a small place, with some nice nature areas nearby. And it is quiet. Really quiet. It takes about 3 hours to travel from Wageningen to Beegden with public transport, but it is worth it. I felt almost immediately at home there. I really like her mother. She is very sweet. The first night was really television sitting, because the opening of the Olympic games was awesome.
Saturday we spend the whole day at the Floriade. The Floriade is an event about flowers and being outside and the environment. It was nice (we spend about 7 hours there, walking), but a bit over-commercialised. Sometimes I wondered where the price-tags were placed. But it is really a lovely event. In the evening I met one of her brothers. We had a barbeque with some of his friends.  Sunday was lazy and creative. A lot of sewing and drawing things and just relaxed. In the evening we travelled back to Wageningen.
Probably I will put some of the pictures here. Do not have them here at the moment and I need to sort them out. But I would gladly be invited over there again.

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