
Monday, July 23, 2012

Intoxicated: reviewing my own story

Not really mý story in the sense of that it happened to me. I do not drink a lot of alcohol (that's what they all say). At least not enough to become drunk or whatever. But the story itself is my work and maybe I can clarify things by reviewing on it.

First of all: It is a Cabin Pressure fan fiction story, with a lot of references to the episodes that are aired from this moment. That means they contain a lot of references from the first, second and third series of Cabin Pressure and I tried to refer to at every episode at least one time. That was a lot of fun, but had its downsides as well.
Because I used jokes that were used before, or referred to good lines in the Cabin Pressure episodes, I was able to be a least a bit funny, without making huge weird mistakes. Also I had a framework to work on, so the story could go rather smoothly from event to event.
The downside is that everyone that does not know Cabin Pressure, is doomed to be confused or at least does not get the jokes. I realized this, when I tried the first chapters with a friend of mine. He did not get any jokes referring to the show. Hence, he thought it was not bad, but it was confusing. So that is the downside.

Second of all: I tried to make the story as original as possible. That sounds a bit paradoxical with the former point, but I tried to make it as original as possible, within the fan fiction frame. I used the characters and tried to keep their characters intact. I added 2 more characters to create a new situation. I tried to stay away from pairings that does not exist in the series. I have to admit, Carolyn and Hercules are not really together together in the series, but I allowed that liberty for the story.

Third of all: It is not a slash fiction story. I really tried my best not to do this. Even though Martin gets chatted up by a man, I did not mean to get weird pairings in there. It is really easy to slip into the nice fan fiction stories that are a little... naughty. I do like slash stories and fan art, but only when it is well written/ made. I do not see a reason to discard a story or piece of art, because it is slash. What I don't like, is just pairing up characters (and I use pairing up really loosely) just to make weird art. If there is no story, or the piece of art is just a way to portray cheap porn, I will not like it one bit. No sir/madame.

Finally: I like the chapters I made and the story got quite a nice ending. However, I just have the feeling I am missing some points, or I made a slight mistake. There is always room for improvement of ones' art. The first chapter and the chapter where Martin gets chatted up by doctor Blessed were my favourite. The entire sheep story was nice too. Especially the second part of what happened in the Hose and Hydrant and maybe the chapter where Martin gets lost in the mortuary section of the hospital were most difficult to write. And I think the last chapter needs something... more. I just do not know what it misses.

I am quite happy with my story. It is a tribute to John Finnemores' work and I hope that, if he ever wants to read fan fiction, he would like this one. However, I ask you very nicely and kindly to please please please check the story for any mistakes, both in spelling and contents, as in context. If you spot some real stupid things, or you want to give your opinion, give a comment I will be very happy with all the effort you put into reading my story.

For all of you who did not read it: here is the link to the whole story in 1 document. In my other blog (called stories) you can find the separate chapters.

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