
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Winnie the Pooh mug

I once bought a mug at Disneyland (Paris). It is quite a big mug, to say. It can contain about 500 ml of fluid in there, easily. In the Netherlands it is not really common to walk around with that kind of size mugs. But since I need to drink a lot and it is easier to get it in big mugs at once, I brought the mug to my work (not really work. It is an internship. Well. It is work, but you know... Not that I can rely on real work for a longer time period). I usually fill it with tea or water and often I do not realize the absurdity of this big mug full of drinks. Most colleagues walk by with those tiny cups they provide by the work itself. My mug can contain 3 1/2 of those with ease, so they always comment on it.
I consider it a fact that when I leave, they will only remind me by the big mug I had at work. It is quite a silly one as well. With a big Winnie the Pooh in hug-mode and a warning sign that his friendliness can be infectious, is contagiously kind and can induce a good mood (warning: failure to comply with these instructions may cause facial cramping, stomach pain, body convulsions, watery eyes and crows feet).
But even then... it really cheers me up.

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