
Friday, July 13, 2012

I do apologise

Mostly I apologise for the little stuff, like stepping on ones toes or bumping into someone. The big stuff, that actually need apologies, I usually 'forget' to do. The reason why my father and I are always discussing about who is right or wrong, is because I never apologise to him. My mother always goes nuts about this, but it has become quite natural to the rest of the familiy. The fact that I live in a student flat and only see my father in the weekends, did not help to reduce the discussions. I rather think we have even more discussions, since my father likes to 'know' things, now he's  retired. And because of this, he thinks he 'knows' things. The trouble with this, is the fact that his children (my younger brother and me) are now at University and therefore are a bit 'critical' about what he tells us.

My brother being a student philosophy, is creating even more depth to the discussion. I once made the mistake to say: That dog looks happy. After 3 hours, I interrupted his arguments why that dog could not be happy. And with the critical look at the world, a father cannot just say anything he likes anymore. Sometimes I regret the discussion, or I finally realize he is the one being right. It is really difficult for me to say sorry to my poor father, who is actually really patient with children like my brother and I.

My mother never has this problem. She is not the person to argue with. Or you will regret it one day. (dum dum dummm...)

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