
Sunday, July 31, 2016

30 day challenge, day 15: put my Ipod on shuffle and first 10 songs that play

Who is using an Ipod nowadays? I still have one, but I am mostly listening to radio or songs on my phone. But I will give it a try.

  1. The first song is Medias Negras, Banda Tierra Caliente. I have no idea why that is on my Ipod. The only thing I can think of is a party I had a few years ago. It is still a nice song.
  2. Next comes Unwritten, by Natasha Beddingfield. This is an old one. However, not that old as other songs I have on there. I like the songs from the eighties and seventies more than current songs. I remember I felt not happy in those days.
  3. Then is Boombastic, by Shaggy. I like this song. It has a nice rhythm. Not more that I can say about it though.
  4. Wakker met een wijsje in mijn hoofd, by Kinderen voor Kinderen. This is a Dutch song and a sort of children's song as well. We have these groups of perfect little children, who perform for other children with weird, but hip songs. Wakker met een wijsje in mijn hoofd, is about a boy who wakes up with a happy little tune in his head.
  5. Blue suede shoes, by Elvis Presley. Talking about oldies. This song is from the time Elvis was a handsome guy and could swing his hips.
  6. Angel, by Lionel Richie. This guy is actually pretty famous in the Netherlands. As far as I know, he still performs here in the Netherlands.
  7. Robot Rock, Daft Punk. This is my happy go dancing music. I can dance to a lot of music, but this gets me hyped. Love it.
  8. Weerzien, Wolter Kroes. Another Dutch song. This one is for grown ups, about seeing your lover again. It is a bit sad. I do not listen to this song much.
  9.  2 Hearts, Toto. I had a Toto phase. It did not last long, three months, but I like most of their songs. 2 hearts is a mellow one I like. But I am more for Africa.
  10. Sex Machine, James Brown. A sort of classic song I will not remove from any device. It is on there, it stays there.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hetalia game demo

A game demo

I am still busy with the game Waffle Journey and have the latest demo out. The game consists of new maps, more chapters and a lot of bugs fixed.

The game revolves about Netherlands and Belgium. Netherlands and Belgium quarrel about the river Schelde (pronounce with a ch as a Dutch g), until Belgium asks Netherlands whether he wants waffles. He would love to, but in order to get waffles, he has to get all the ingredients for waffles. Not wanting to buy anything, he tries to trade and use tricks to get all the ingredients. At the same time Belgium is cleaning her house and remembering the past, when she and her brother were under Spanish rule.
If you want to play the game demo, you can download it here.

Have a banaaaana

30 day challenge, day 14: a picture of me and my family


From left to right:uncle Ruud, my mother, my (late)father, me and my brother

A toast to the bride and groom
I really wanted a picture with my late father in it. However, when I went through the pictures I also realised the family situation has changed. Not only without my father, but the boyfriend of my mother and my girlfriend as well. Only, I do not have any pictures of us all together.
I cannot explain the feeling of suddenly realizing how different the family situation is.

Other family members

My grandmother

My family from father's side

Aunt Tineke and uncly Henny

Aunt Brigitte and her son Ruben

My grandparents, cousins, brother and me.

The females of my mother's side of the family (very old pic)

My grandfather
Aunt Petra, uncle Willem, Rebecca, Anoar and Destin (in the middle)

Friday, July 29, 2016

30 day challenge, day 13: a letter to someone who has hurt me recently

Dear me (I bet you did not see that one coming)

Dear me,

Often you tell me you are stupid and a failure. Often you consider things normal which are not. Is it normal to call me names because I want some rest, instead of working on all projects every waking second of my life? And than you leave me alone, leaving me feeling empty and without any thought inside.

Many times in my life I wish you were not there. That little voice in my head that always tells me what to do. Telling me to eat wisely or I am stupid. Telling me I am fat, because I ate that piece of chocolat. Telling me I am useless and have no purpose in life.

I am trying to cooperate with you. Burying you does not help. However, letting you take over is even worse. I am trying to cooperate. I promiss to listen when you have sound advice. I promis to have my arguments ready and to combat you when you are wrong. But you will never take over. You will destroy me and I do not let that happen.

I will grow every day. I will learn more about me, you and the world I live in. I will be at peace with you and live in full happiness someday. Just promiss me: you will cooperate with me.

With love,


Thursday, July 28, 2016

30 day challenge, day 12: how I found out about Blogger and why I made one

Cloud, Blog, Tweet, Like, Share, Parts, Twitter, News 


Google would not be google without advertising its own stuff. I saw an internal advertisement on gmail. You could post your own blogs now via the google apps.
It was about the time I needed to get things off my chest without directing to someone specifically. 

With already a gmail account it was easy to set this one up and start. It was not easy to a first blog out though. I still struggle with 'what to write'. 
The thought: "Why would people read this?" is always in my mind. Often I leave things out, because I think it is not interesting. Maybe people would like it, but I do not take the chance. 

While I am at day 12 of the 30 day challenge, I find it easy to write about every day life and what happened to me. The questions give me an idea what to write about and how to start.

I recommend everyone who is stuck or who wants to start to get a nice list of questions from the internet and try to answer it in a way you find entertaining and comfertable.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

30 day challenge, day 11: another picture of me and my friends

Some pictures

In Wageninen for a graduation party

Celebrating life!

One of our trips
I just took a couple of pictures, just to be sure. My best friends I met at university. I love them very much and cannot imagine my life without them.

Thank you Marina, Nico, Sander, Tanya, Anouk, Marlies, Ralph, Joep, Henri and many many more. Thank you for being my friend and accepting me.

Cosplay friends

When I started with cosplay, I made a lot of cosplay friends as well. My best, lovely friend and girlfriend I met with cosplay. Thank you Corianne, Leonie, Mathilde, Nicky and everyone for letting me feel part of a group (in case you are wondering. I am the blond dude on the left, holding the flag).

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

30 day challenge, day 10: songs I listen to when I'm happy, sad, bored, hyped and angry

Borstel, Deeltjes, Muziek, Sleutel, Golf, Lijn

When you're happy and you know it...

This challenge is difficult. I listen to a lot of music and different styles. However, I do not change my taste much when I am in a certain mood. 

My favorite song is by Enya, Caribbean blue. It calms me down, makes me happy and gives me a feeling of being one with the world. The use of rhythm to mimic the waves calls to me. I do not recall when I first heard this song, but I was sold. More artists I like to listen to are Micheal Jackson, Ruth Jacott (Dutch female singer) and ABBA.

Sadness is just a moment

When I am sad, it does not matter what kind of music is on. Sometimes it depends on the reason why I am sad. When I am sad because the relationship ended, I do not want to hear sappy love songs. I rather hear Muse or Rammstein. Sonne from Rammstein is very beautiful in a way and I like the version where the woman sings her monologue.

Bored bored bored bored booooored

Even I can get bored. I often listen to podcasts or radio plays. Welcome to Nightvale is a nice one and I am a big fan of Cabin Pressure. Very intense music has my preference as well. Epic fantasy music makes my heart skip faster and I can make up so many stories then.

I'm flying hiiiiigh

When I am hyped, I start listening a bit more to quilty pleasure music and more rhythmic music. Dragostea di tei from O-Zone always gets met laughing and L'amour toujours from Gigi d'Agustino is nice as well. As long as is funny or has a good bass, I'm in for it.

Teeth grinding

In the original challenge, the last theme was actually mad, but I think the emotion should be angry. I am not easily angered and i cannot think of a time when I listened to music when I was angry. I imagine Muse and Rammstein again. Another song that I cannot place anywhere but I like to mention here is Nine inch nails with Closer. The beat just gets me and I know the lyrics are a bit... sexual and extreme. But I like it.

30 day challenge, day 9: something I am proud of in the past few days

Starting to run

Since I have a sports watch, I try to walk more and get more active.
The (boy)friend of my mother is running for a long time and had invited me a couple of times to join him. I like him. He is very kind to my mother and she and him enjoy the time they are together. He brings a smile to my mother's face and comforts her when she feels sad.  He is very kind to me and my brother as well. He gives a helping hand whenever he thinks it is needed. 

Even though I have a membership with a nice gym, I started to run with the friend of my mother. It gives me the ambition to improve my condition and also gives me incentives to run. Being bound by promises to actually be active is a great motivator. With all my hobbies I often forget to go to the gym. Why should I run on a tread mill, if I have a dozen projects lying around?  

Hence, I am very proud that I am doing this. I can run for a full ten minutes straight, before I need to stop and walk. Now I just need to improve my diet.

Donating blood

I want to be usefull to the world. I want to help and not be a useless, polluting glob of flesh that is waiting to die. Therefore, I decided to donate blood. On the 4rh of July, I was at the hospital for the first time to let them take control samples of my blood.

Now I am waiting for any results. If I have not heard from the hospital after a month, everything is fine with my blood. No diseases or weird things. And I am able to give my blood, so it can be used to help others. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

30 day challenge, day 8: short term goals for this month and why

Losing weight

I am overweight and want to lose a total of 20 kilograms. For this month I want to weight 90 kilograms so I can win my prize (which is going to an amusement park). As you can see from my picture
Me on 23-7-2016
 I am not the standard of what people expect when they say: "I weigh almost 100 kilograms (which is almost 220 pound, or 15st 10.46226lb)" However, I am not comfortable with my weight either. I need to lose at least 20 kilograms. I just enrolled in a weight watcher class nearby. I already did Weight Watchers, but on my own. Hopefully, the class helps. Also the sport watch and being more active works.

Organizational sensitivity

With work I keep changing and growing in my skills, professionalism and knowledge. There is one thing that keeps me down though: organizational sensitivity. It basically means I do not know how to phrase sentences when I am with clients. My coach (yes, I have a coach) is helping me a lot, but it is difficult for me to be aware of the atmosphere.

I also like to speak my mind (something most Dutch people have, I guess).However, my mind is not always as organized as I want it to be. So when I speak, most people do not understand what I am trying to say. So that is an issue I am working on.

30 day challenge, day 7: a picture of someone/something that has made the biggest impact on me

Warning: This blog entry is about death. 
If you do not want to read about this, please skip this blog entry. Thank you.

My fathers' coffin, almost ready to be buried.

You cannot imagine the impact the death of your father or mother has, until it happens to you.

I was sitting...

I was sitting in my room in Wageningen. A few days before I heard from the University I had completed the Master course and could call myself Master of Science. I had made it. Within five years I had earned both my Bachelor and Master's degree and I was really happy. Before this delightful new I had been on vacation to Scotland. Together with my mother, father and brother we traveled through Scotland with a very pleasant bus and bus driver. I remember all the vivid colours of green and yellow gold that painted the landscape of those hills and glens.
In my room the warmth was pleasant and together with  my best friend Marina, I had a nice meal and we talked about the future. I wanted to go to the United Kingdom and start a career there.

Suddenly, the phone rang. I did not expect anything and looked at the number. It was my mother. She was probably curious about what I was doing and when I would come home. We had a great birthday party that weekend. My mother had turned 50 and my father would become 68 in a few weeks. Next to that, their 12,5 years marriage would be close as well and we wanted to celebrate everything in one big party. However, my mother did not sound happy. She asked me in a cold tone to sit down.
I did. The first thing I thought, was my grandmother was in the hospital. She was getting more and more accidents and it would not be a great surprise to hear that.

I have to tell you something

"I have to tell you something," she said, "Your father is dead."
It was the biggest shock of my life. My father was healthy. He was getting old (almost 68) but he was healthy. He was active, enjoyed life and was...just... not ready to die. I remember I shouted: "What?!" and immediately told Marina. She had lost her father at a younger age and she took care of my completely shocked person. I was floating in a sea of emptyness. I was hardly attached to my body, but also hidden inside of the fleshy shell. I felt how Marina held me and tried to comfort me. I heard my mother say my uncle would come to pick me up. So I could be home that night.
I just let everything flow over me. My mother hung up and I told Marina someone would pick me up soon. I just had to pick some clothes out of the closet. Marina helped me as much as she could.

I remember the drive home. My uncle was silent. My brother was in the back seat, waiting for me. I remember being surprised. Why was he here? He should be with my mother. For the first time in a long while, not since we were very very young, I hold my brother's hand.

The ring

 When we arrived at the funeral centre, I saw my mother. She was heart broken. I had never seen here like that in life. Her father had passed away some years before. But her grief then was nothing compared to her grief that night. I will not get into detail, but hearing my mother's cry changed me for ever.
I suddenly realised that life was not like I always experienced it. It would be harsh, it would be difficult. I had to grow up. I was 25, but still a child. I knew nothing. I felt helpless and angry. helpless, because I could not ask my father for help anymore. Angry because I felt so helpless and I should know better. I always get angry with myself when I think I should know better.

When it was time to go home for the night, we were again picked up by my uncle. It was silent. Not only in the car. It was silent in my head as well. We got to our home, went inside and sat at the table in our living room. After some minutes my mother went away, but came back with a jewelry box. My father had collected a couple of necklaces, rings and epaulettes in his time. My brother got a necklace (later on he got more). My mother kept my father's wedding ring ofcourse. For me, my mother showed me a ring. It was a small gold one, with a bright stone, set weirdly. I had never seen it before. My mother told me it was my father's pink ring. The stone was a diamond, set askew as to not shine too bright.
"You should try it on," she said, "Maybe we can bring it to the jewelry store to adjust the size." I looked at the ring. My father had big hands. almost one and a half times my hands. I put the ring on my right ring finger. And it fitted perfectly. Never before did I have a perfect fitting ring and now my father's ring would fit without any adjustment. It was an amazing coincident.


I wore the ring almost every day that year. And the year after that. It reminded me of him. I still have the ring, but I have changed. I do not have to be reminded of him. I still cry when I think about him too much. However, I also turned a page. I fell in love. I actually fell in love with a woman for the first time. I got a job. I got new friends. I kept old friends (which is actually quite new for me. I am not always the friend I want to be). I want to move out and have my own living space (I do not have one yet and live with my mother since my father's death). At work they stimulate change, which I have done a lot.

So yes, this has had the biggest impact on me.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

30 day challenge, day 6: Favorite super hero and why


I am not a person with heroes. Super heroes even more. However, if I have to choose a super hero, I choose Deadpool. 


Yes, that alsmost anti-hero Deadpool. It has to do with how he reacts to the world and thinks about how things are done.
I would sometimes let go of all the norms and 'normal' things a person has to do to survive in the world. I want to do whatever I want and still be able to mean something to this world.

Unfortunately I have nothing else to say, so here is a picture of Deadpool, drawn by me
Deadpool, from Marvel Comics

Friday, July 22, 2016

30 day challenge, day 5: picture(s) of somewhere I have been

The Highlands

In 2012 I have been to Scotland on vacation. It was the most memorable vacation ever. The first excursion tour we did... And the last vacation with my father. He died soon after this vacation. It was wonderful. Usually we went to warm and dry climates. But here, it was green and gold and rich in colours. No beach vacation could match all the things we did and experienced on that one trip.
My brother, mother and me with the sign: Welcome to Scotland

It was a beautiful day and we could see for miles for a while.

On green glenns 

One of the last pictures of my father

I just like the bridge

We had to walk and drive a lot. Through and over hills and glenns. We saw such amazing waterfalls. Living in the Netherlands sure does leave you without waterfalls. The country is too flat. I adored the nature and sights in Scotland, especially the Highlands. I am not sure whether I will visit again. The memories are different now, 
The memories remind me of a famous old song. 

The Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond

By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes,
Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond,

Where me and my true love were ever wont to gae,

On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond.


O ye'll tak' the high road, and I'll tak' the low road,

And I'll be in Scotland afore ye,
But me and my true love will never meet again,
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond.

'Twas there that we parted, in yon shady glen,

On the steep, steep side o' Ben Lomond,

Where in purple hue, the hieland hills we view,
And the moon coming out in the gloaming.


The wee birdies sing and the wildflowers spring,

And in sunshine the waters are sleeping.

But the broken heart it kens, nae second spring again,
Though the waeful may cease frae their grieving.

If you do not know what it is about: The singer is actually dead when his love will find him. His soul will travel to Scotland, but he and his true love will not be together anymore on the banks of Loch Lomond, a lake. It reminds me of my father and that I will never meet him again, until I die.

However, I have many happy memories of this vacation. And I cherish them.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

30 day challenge, day 4: A habit I regret

Regret, regret... and try to forget

Eating too much

When I think about all my habits and how I live my life, I do not have many regrets. However, one of my habits I always disliked is eating too much.
"Why do you do it then?" you might ask. And I agree.
I am overweight, I do not feel great at all when I overeat and it has only disadvantages.

To eat (fatty foods) or not to eat (and try to eat healthy)

However, I do like to eat. And a quarter of the time I am not aware how much I am eating. With all my hobbies and activities I do not have a lot of attention to what I eat. Eating a bag of chips/crisps? Easy. Eating an entire lasagne and then have some more food? Sure, I can.
On the other hand I can go for a long time without food, but then I have a real craving for something sweet.
Eating too much has some effect on my mood. When I become aware that I eat too much and, again, I feel guilty. But when I try to eat less, or eat more fruits and vegetables, I will get tired of the taste after a while and want to eat fatty foods.

Losing weight?

Trying to lose weight with this habit is difficult. I have heard Steven Fry say you can decide better if you are full and your sugar level is high. Only when you want to lose weight, by eating more healthy, it is getting more difficult.
Should I eat potatoes, a little meat and all that broccoli? Or should I go for easy and eat the pizza I like, with lots of cheese and meat?
Don't get me wrong. I do eat a lot of vegetables and when I cook, most of my dishes are actually very healthy. The problem then is that I eat for (at least) two, because I like it too much.

Thankfully I do am aware about how to combat most of my bad habits. The other bad habit I have, is I get too distracted and forget the ways to stay healthy. But to help me with losing weight and creating new habits, that are actually healthy, I bought a sport watch. With this, I hope to get myself more into shape and encourage myself to be more active.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

30 day challence, day 3: My pets


These are my cats. I have got two now. Actually they are my mother's cats. But because I moved back in with my mother I call them my cats as well.


Figaro is a Ragdoll, a very shy cat. He can look at you with a very judgemental look.

Little Figaro finally sat still, so I could make this picture.
He is not a fan of toys, but loves one toy we got from the home, where he was born. It is a pink rubbery shuttle with all kinds of bright coloured strings of fabric attached to it. It has been chewed on, the strings are getting lost and it is quite filthy. However, we cannot find a replacement for it. We can't find it anywhere and we looked for a while. He also likes to run after balls made of aluminum foil. Especially when thrown on the stairs, so he can throw them off the stairs.


Juma is a Main Coon. He is also overweight. No matter what we do, he seems to stay too big.

Juma often stays outside, but he also has these phases he only wants to stay outside for 5 seconds and then complains at the door to be let in.
Unfortunately his fur is not easy to comb. He likes to roll around in the dirt and all those specks of sand and leaves and more stuff keeps sticking in his fur. He does not like to be combed either, so it is a great deal of stress for both parties to keep his fur in order.

30 day challenge, day 2: Anyway...(why my blog is called Anyway...)

There is a reason I name my blog Anyway...

I have thought a long time about my blogger name. Does it have to be about drawing (because I was drawing a lot in the beginning)? Or should I do something with writing? What about my other hobbies and passions? I have made jewelry from clay for months. Not only that, I have these phases.


Every now and then I grow into a new phase. I am fan of a certain series and I want to draw every day. A couple of months later, it has worn off and I want to write a story. Then I want to sew an amazing costume or dress. Then I want to sculpt, write poetry or work in the garden. Except for drawing and writing, I cannot seem to find a steady hobby routine. It also depends on the project. If a project is a one day job, it will be more satisfying. Until the idea grows old and I do not see any improvement in my skill. Longer projects are the most difficult, because sometimes I will get bored with it without finishing. The other side of this is I am always enjoying a found old project I can work on with improved skills.

Now I am 28 years old, I consider writing and drawing to be my main hobbies, with other hobbies bubbling on the back ground. But with all those hobbies and passions it is difficult to find a name for the blog.

Talking and talking

By the time I started this blog I also started to talk more. When I was little, I was very shy and I could not really express myself in Dutch. But talking in another language than my native language made me more talkative. At the university of Wageningen I actually bloomed, because I had to talk English for four out of my five years there. I had to talk, read, learn and think in English. This turned my life around. I also said anyway a lot. Talking in a different language then your own does present problems like: not knowing the right word and not knowing as many words as a native English speaker. Anyway was a way to start a conversation. When I became aware, I decided to call this blog Anyway...

The dots are more the conversation starter than anything else... and I like way it looks.

Monday, July 18, 2016

30 day challenge, day 1: Who am I?

This is me. Since I need to get some more information out, I will tell 15 (interesting) facts about me.
1: I have a lot of hobbies. Some of them are: drawing, writing stories (I have written and published a book in Dutch. Interested? click here.) sewing, cosplaying and sculpting.
2: I am Dutch and have always lived in the Netherlands
3: I have a Master of Science degree in Urban Environmental Management
4: I have one younger brother, named Frank
5: I do not like alcoholic drinks and coffee (they taste awful)
6: I almost finished making a role playing computer game (rpg) about one of my favourite shows
7: I have a girlfriend
8: I did not know I could fall in love with a woman, until I was 26 years old.
9: I am trying to lose weight. I still need to lose 20 kg (and never find it again)
10: I am also busy to write and draw my first web comic about fantasy and mythology
11: When in another country, I am suddenly aware how tall I am (1.78 meter). However, in the Netherlands it is not weird to be this tall.
12: I am very bad at self promoting
13: I have written and published a book in Dutch. Interested? click here
14: I can overstretch my limbs, especially my arms.
15: I like fantasy themes, but dislike science fiction.

Friday, July 8, 2016

To draw in red: Markiplier
After I did a couple of drawings, I decided to go after a big fish. Yes, Markiplier is quite the hook to hang before hungry web browsing people. But actually I am a fan of his work.

Seeing his face every day has an effect on me and drawing him makes me happy. To make it more interesting, I tried to pick one colour and coloured everything in the shades of that one colour. It worked well with his hair.

As a base, I used one of his latest videos (
Be aware I took the skull from a picture from google and made the banner myself. If you are interested what it says, it is 'Sore Loser'.  

The pink moustache stayed pink, even though I tried to make it light red. It did not work out.