
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

30 day challence, day 3: My pets


These are my cats. I have got two now. Actually they are my mother's cats. But because I moved back in with my mother I call them my cats as well.


Figaro is a Ragdoll, a very shy cat. He can look at you with a very judgemental look.

Little Figaro finally sat still, so I could make this picture.
He is not a fan of toys, but loves one toy we got from the home, where he was born. It is a pink rubbery shuttle with all kinds of bright coloured strings of fabric attached to it. It has been chewed on, the strings are getting lost and it is quite filthy. However, we cannot find a replacement for it. We can't find it anywhere and we looked for a while. He also likes to run after balls made of aluminum foil. Especially when thrown on the stairs, so he can throw them off the stairs.


Juma is a Main Coon. He is also overweight. No matter what we do, he seems to stay too big.

Juma often stays outside, but he also has these phases he only wants to stay outside for 5 seconds and then complains at the door to be let in.
Unfortunately his fur is not easy to comb. He likes to roll around in the dirt and all those specks of sand and leaves and more stuff keeps sticking in his fur. He does not like to be combed either, so it is a great deal of stress for both parties to keep his fur in order.

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