
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

30 day challenge, day 9: something I am proud of in the past few days

Starting to run

Since I have a sports watch, I try to walk more and get more active.
The (boy)friend of my mother is running for a long time and had invited me a couple of times to join him. I like him. He is very kind to my mother and she and him enjoy the time they are together. He brings a smile to my mother's face and comforts her when she feels sad.  He is very kind to me and my brother as well. He gives a helping hand whenever he thinks it is needed. 

Even though I have a membership with a nice gym, I started to run with the friend of my mother. It gives me the ambition to improve my condition and also gives me incentives to run. Being bound by promises to actually be active is a great motivator. With all my hobbies I often forget to go to the gym. Why should I run on a tread mill, if I have a dozen projects lying around?  

Hence, I am very proud that I am doing this. I can run for a full ten minutes straight, before I need to stop and walk. Now I just need to improve my diet.

Donating blood

I want to be usefull to the world. I want to help and not be a useless, polluting glob of flesh that is waiting to die. Therefore, I decided to donate blood. On the 4rh of July, I was at the hospital for the first time to let them take control samples of my blood.

Now I am waiting for any results. If I have not heard from the hospital after a month, everything is fine with my blood. No diseases or weird things. And I am able to give my blood, so it can be used to help others. 

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