
Monday, July 18, 2016

30 day challenge, day 1: Who am I?

This is me. Since I need to get some more information out, I will tell 15 (interesting) facts about me.
1: I have a lot of hobbies. Some of them are: drawing, writing stories (I have written and published a book in Dutch. Interested? click here.) sewing, cosplaying and sculpting.
2: I am Dutch and have always lived in the Netherlands
3: I have a Master of Science degree in Urban Environmental Management
4: I have one younger brother, named Frank
5: I do not like alcoholic drinks and coffee (they taste awful)
6: I almost finished making a role playing computer game (rpg) about one of my favourite shows
7: I have a girlfriend
8: I did not know I could fall in love with a woman, until I was 26 years old.
9: I am trying to lose weight. I still need to lose 20 kg (and never find it again)
10: I am also busy to write and draw my first web comic about fantasy and mythology
11: When in another country, I am suddenly aware how tall I am (1.78 meter). However, in the Netherlands it is not weird to be this tall.
12: I am very bad at self promoting
13: I have written and published a book in Dutch. Interested? click here
14: I can overstretch my limbs, especially my arms.
15: I like fantasy themes, but dislike science fiction.

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