
Sunday, July 31, 2016

30 day challenge, day 15: put my Ipod on shuffle and first 10 songs that play

Who is using an Ipod nowadays? I still have one, but I am mostly listening to radio or songs on my phone. But I will give it a try.

  1. The first song is Medias Negras, Banda Tierra Caliente. I have no idea why that is on my Ipod. The only thing I can think of is a party I had a few years ago. It is still a nice song.
  2. Next comes Unwritten, by Natasha Beddingfield. This is an old one. However, not that old as other songs I have on there. I like the songs from the eighties and seventies more than current songs. I remember I felt not happy in those days.
  3. Then is Boombastic, by Shaggy. I like this song. It has a nice rhythm. Not more that I can say about it though.
  4. Wakker met een wijsje in mijn hoofd, by Kinderen voor Kinderen. This is a Dutch song and a sort of children's song as well. We have these groups of perfect little children, who perform for other children with weird, but hip songs. Wakker met een wijsje in mijn hoofd, is about a boy who wakes up with a happy little tune in his head.
  5. Blue suede shoes, by Elvis Presley. Talking about oldies. This song is from the time Elvis was a handsome guy and could swing his hips.
  6. Angel, by Lionel Richie. This guy is actually pretty famous in the Netherlands. As far as I know, he still performs here in the Netherlands.
  7. Robot Rock, Daft Punk. This is my happy go dancing music. I can dance to a lot of music, but this gets me hyped. Love it.
  8. Weerzien, Wolter Kroes. Another Dutch song. This one is for grown ups, about seeing your lover again. It is a bit sad. I do not listen to this song much.
  9.  2 Hearts, Toto. I had a Toto phase. It did not last long, three months, but I like most of their songs. 2 hearts is a mellow one I like. But I am more for Africa.
  10. Sex Machine, James Brown. A sort of classic song I will not remove from any device. It is on there, it stays there.

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