
Friday, July 29, 2016

30 day challenge, day 13: a letter to someone who has hurt me recently

Dear me (I bet you did not see that one coming)

Dear me,

Often you tell me you are stupid and a failure. Often you consider things normal which are not. Is it normal to call me names because I want some rest, instead of working on all projects every waking second of my life? And than you leave me alone, leaving me feeling empty and without any thought inside.

Many times in my life I wish you were not there. That little voice in my head that always tells me what to do. Telling me to eat wisely or I am stupid. Telling me I am fat, because I ate that piece of chocolat. Telling me I am useless and have no purpose in life.

I am trying to cooperate with you. Burying you does not help. However, letting you take over is even worse. I am trying to cooperate. I promiss to listen when you have sound advice. I promis to have my arguments ready and to combat you when you are wrong. But you will never take over. You will destroy me and I do not let that happen.

I will grow every day. I will learn more about me, you and the world I live in. I will be at peace with you and live in full happiness someday. Just promiss me: you will cooperate with me.

With love,


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