
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

30 day blog challenge, day 18: plans/dreams/goals I have


I plan to have a own appartment with my girlfriend. Since my father's death I have been living with my mother and I need to move out. Also, I am old enough to live on my own, don't you think?
The appartment or house does not have to be big, but the ideal would be 3 rooms. One living room, one bedroom and one room to put all our hobbies and stuff in. The reason why we do not have our own appartment yet, is the costs. I cannot pay that much and rely on social housing (not sure what the English term is, but I rely on subsidies to get a place). However, the waiting line for thes kind of housing is big. Especially after municipalities were ordered to provide housing for all refugee immigrants, who fled the wars and came to the Netherlands. I have to wait my turn to get a home.


I have many dreams. Leaving the really weird ones out, but I always wanted to have recognition for my book. Also my comic is getting on and I would like it for people to read it. You can find all the information and updates on my other blog.


It may be cheesy, but my goal is to live a happy life, without hurting the planet too much and with plenty of comfort for me to do what I want. This also means to leave things out, like driving for fun or eating a lot of meat. Those things hurt the environment. Living a happy life also means to pay attention to what I eat and how I look, because when I am overweight, I do not feel well and get complications quickly. All these things have to be taken into account to live comfertably and I am aware of this.

What are your dreams, plans for the future or goals? You can always give a comment below. I would love to read it.

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