
Saturday, August 20, 2016

My favorite youtubers

Short story

To make a short blog for today, I am going to tell you about my two favourite youtubers.
Even with 21 hobbies I still watch a lot of youtube videos and the most interesting videos to me are let's plays, tutorials and science driven videos. But these two are the top of the crop for me.

Markiplier & Jacksepticeye finally dye their hair! :):
Markiplier                                                       Jacksepticeye

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye are my youtube heroes. They are with me every day and make me laugh.
Next to their enormous enthousiasm I find it really great they also have time for their fans and also do a lot for charity. I cannot imagine how much work, time and energy goes into their work.
Keep it up you two.

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