
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

30 day blog challenge, day 25: What I find in my bag


Just before I wanted to make a picture of my own hand bag, I noticed something. The handle was almost ripped entirely through. It hangs on a little bit of leather and I am thankful it dit not rip while I was cycling home yesterday. So, the picture above is not really mý bag.

In the bag

I did not realise it before, but the bag is heavy. The content was build up in years of use and me thinking I needed that one thing for the rest of my life with me. I have
- a phone. The phone is old fashioned and slow. But the battery lasts at least 3 days.
- a work phone. I like that phone. It has enough data to let me play Ingress or Pokémon go. When this work ends and I have to give the phone back, I will probably buy a new phone for myself.
- keys. A key for the house, a key for the extra lock on the door, a key for my car, a key for the house in Maastricht. And even more keys I use to get to work. I just realise I have quite the collection.
- drivers license. to get into my car without getting trouble with the police.
- wallet. The wallet does not contain much itself. Some cards, a picture of me and my girlfriend in cosplay and some receipts.
- Lipstick and lipgloss.
- Electrical cigarett. Yes I smoke every now and then. Meaning once a month. I know it is unhealthy, but sometimes I like to have a few puffs.
- phone chargers. Because the phones need to be charged a couple of times a week.
- painkillers, to kill my headaches.

Sometimes I have other things in the bag. Mints, my camera or even my Ipad. The Ipad can fit, but it fills the bag entrirely, so I cannot take it much with me.


I do not have a picture of my bag, but what about you? Do you have the same things in your bag? Or is the content different?
I would like to hear from you. 

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