
Sunday, August 7, 2016

30 day blog challenge, day 22: what makes me different from everyone else


I am a human, a woman, someone's child and a lover.  However, I feel different from everyone else, just like anyone else... which is a weird concept in itself, but I will not go into that. I want to tell you about what makes me different form all others.


I have a ton of hobbies. And I want to do all of them all the time. This is not possible. Really, there are not enough hours in the week to let me work on all of my hobbies in a effective way. I try to name all of my hobbies here:
- drawing
- writing stories
- writing poetry
- sewing
- embroidery
- making jewelry
- sculpting
- writing filmscripts
- making clips
- writing blogs
- making vlogs
- cosplay
- painting
- running
- dancing
- reading
- cooking
- knitting
- making rpg computer games
- keeping an edible garden
- photography
- doing fantasy make-up

I did not include my former sports, like ballroom and latin dancing, judo etc in the hobbies.
But I do have a lot of hobbies that I like to do now and then. As I have said in former blogs, my favourite and continues hobbies are drawing and writing. I always find a way to do some writing or doodling in the corner of a piece of paper.
In my idea this always working on a hobby makes me stand out.

I see I see, what you don't see...

Finding out solutions other people do not see is another thing I do. I like to find an angle to a solution, others don't see or have not thought about. It often helps people to get another perspective and I like to help people that way.


I think everyone is unique in their own way and have their own specialism, whether it is in terms of knowledge or skill. My grandfather was not the smartest when you would think in terms of general knowledge. However, he was a great artist and always could make things work out. I have a (sort of) high IQ, I've been to University and got my Master of Science degree in the minimum required time. However, don't ask me to fix a washing machine or to change a car light. Everyone is smart in a way. Not always IQ. That makes everyone unique. And I am glad I am one of them.

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