
Monday, August 15, 2016

The way you make me feel (comfortable)

A new beginning

This is the start of the new beginning of the blog áfter the 30 day challenge. I gathered a lot of new subjects to write about and I can even start to think of subjects myself. 

I will begin with a subject everyone needs to ask themselves: What makes me feel comfortable?
Not because it is an essential life question. It has more to do with situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. 

Uneasy feeling

The world is not always a save place. There are wars, disputes, racism and many more things that make living dangerous, next to hunger and thirst and illness. On top of those massive events, you can feel uneasy because of the living conditions at home, you are bullied or you feel out of place. All these things influences your life and feeling of comfort.

I experience bursts of uneasyness when my depression becomes bigger than my happiness. When a small voice in my head starts to tell me I am stupid and useless. This voice will come up at the most unexpected times and usually I can tell it to shut up... but not always. Then the uneasyness begins. 

Comfort battle

How do I battle this? I have many ways. The things I will write down here are helping me, and if you are experiencing any symptoms of depression please consult a doctor or psychologist first.

  • I get more comfortable when I make art. It also makes me help express myself. Drawing, writing, working with clay and more of these ways of expression help me clear my mind.
  • Being active, or more active than I usually am works as well. Intense activity for at least 3 times a week can boost your positivity. When I experienced depression for the first time, the psychologist send me to the gym for 3 times a week and I noticed how much it helped me. Now I am trianing for the Bridge to Bridge run in Arnhem, september 11 and run 2 times a week. 
  • Writing a letter to yourself can help as well. This letter has to contain all the positive sides of what makes you feel uneasy. I wrote a letter of all my acomplishments and what I am good at. Sometimes I forget I have done things others cannot do. I wrote and published a book, I have my Master of Science degree, I have a job. I can have 21 different hobbies and give attention to all of them in time, while at the same time being able to not forget my family and friends. I can go on for a little while, but maybe it is a nice subject for another blog.

Be your own blanket

When looking for comfort, people tend to look outside first. They search for a person or a favourite item to give them the comfort they need. But I think you should be your own blanket. Find a special place inside of you and create that comfort there. Keep the best memories in mind and think of them in time of need. It cannot always help, but it will comfort you.

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